Tweaking the Sony Xperia Z

Recently i bought an android phone, after having used an iPhone 1 and 4 since their release. These days a phone is as complex as a pc, so it got its own documentation page here :)

Phone specs

Unlock bootloader

Firmware upgrade

Instruction taken from:

The actual flashing:


Instructions take from


iPhone migration

To copy data from and to the phone, i use Sony Bridge for Mac

Addressbook: * With Sony Bridge, copy all your macosx addressbook contacts to your google+ account. * Via webinterface, under contacts, you should now have a section called "other contacts" containing the contacts you just uploaded. * Move these contacts to your main contact list. These should now be syncing to your phone.


A lot of my music was purchased via the iTunes store, with DRM on it. The only reliable way, without quality loss, i could find, was to purchase iTunes plus. It matches all your music with the music in the iTunes store, so you can download it again if you loose the songs. Luckily the new songs come without DRM.


Performance of the Ingress app is horrible on the Xperia Z. Some things to improve this, is the Broot mod:

Still, the remaining animations are like 1 frame/sec. How's that for a 600 euro phone with quad core cpu. :( Tried this for lowering the resolution: